Yelloscope: Fork of Syscomp Design's CGR-201 software

John Peck

I have a few devices from Syscomp Electronic Design that I use for experimenting and debugging. The CGR-201, shown below, is one of these.


Syscomp sadly lost one of its founders, Peter Hiscocks, and won't be releasing any new products. I forked their CircuitGear software (screenshot below) to make some of the changes I wanted, and to start packaging the software as single-file executables for Linux. My fork is here:

...and you can download single-file executable releases here:


A note about running the software

You can always run from source with

tclsh main.tcl

in the src directory. But you'll need Tcl, Tk, and some helper packages. The single-file executable release contains all of these.

Once you download the executable, you'll have to give yourself permission to run it with something like

chmod a+x yelloscope-1.0.0-linux-x86_64

and your user will have to be in the right group for the software to access the hardware. For me, on Ubuntu, this group is dialout. I added myself to the group with

sudo adduser john dialout

...and then I had to reboot.

A note on making Starpacks

Starkits and Starpacks are ways of packaging Tcl programs to reduce or eliminate dependencies. The makefile in the Yelloscope repository shows how I automate creating Linux starpacks from Tcl sources. It's customized for my environment though, and you'll have to change some paths to make it work. I'll be happy to help if you reach out.